
Our mission is to provide the most, trusted, reliable, value for money outsourced in-house legal solutions in the UK and beyond.

In-house legal support. Efficient, trusted, and at the right cost. Everything matters. That’s In-House Legal Solutions.

Back in 2016 Lauren Cannon and Brian Noon, both in-house lawyers knew that in-house legal teams needed more support. Not necessarily from law firms, but from a provider that understood the challenges they faced and who could provide a seamless extension to the services the legal team provide, just like they were part of the in-house team.

Someone who could provide solutions that in-house legal teams needed on a cost effective, on demand basis.

That provider became In-House Legal Solutions.

“Our mission is to provide the most trusted, reliable, value for money outsourced in-house legal solutions in the UK and beyond.”

– Brian Noon

We are in-house lawyers

What’s important to you, is important to us. We are in-house lawyers, we understand the pressures a legal team have to deal with and we know how to deal with them. Our clients come to us because we understand, we speak their language, and we can create solutions to deal with the issues they face – whether that be providing extra resource for managing legal work, designing processes to better manage legal risk and create efficiencies, or managing projects under tight timescales.

We provide opportunities

Competition to join the profession today is fierce. The vast majority of our team join us as junior lawyers, and we provide them with opportunities not only to work with us as paralegals, but also to train and qualify with us as solicitors. All of our lawyers are trained by us to have that in-house mindset, whether they joined us with in-house experience or not, and are given that unique experience of practicing in-house law externally with a team of peers around them, and the support of senior lawyers to learn from.

We believe in more than just work

Our team has a passion for improving the lives of others, whether that be diversity in the profession, giving up time to work in legal advice centres, promoting access to the law in schools or supporting charity. Our team can use two volunteering days per year for good causes, and have won national recognition for their work.

Our achievements

Your In-House legal team on an external, outsourced basis.

Start your stress free legal journey here with In-House Legal Solutions.

Get in touch with our team today.

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