Learning at Work Week 2023

Learning at Work Week 2023


learning at work week 2023, LAW Week, campaign for learning


Campaign for Learning invited employers to get involved with this annual event between 15th to 21st  May 2023 and recognise development within colleagues and identify the different ways in which an individual can learn at work. The purpose of Learning at Work Week 2023 (LAW Week) is to create learning cultures within the workplace and highlight the significance and advantages of ongoing learning and development. – Campaign for learning, 2023.


One of the ways that In-House Legal Solutions has got involved with LAW Week, is through understanding the importance of training sessions. Emma Collins, a Senior Solicitor at In-House Legal Solutions, also holds the responsibility of managing training initiatives for the team and has given us an insight as to why she thinks training sessions are important:


Monthly training sessions: 

“At IHLS we run monthly sessions on key aspects of commercial contract work.  This ensures more junior members of the team receive important training and gives us all the opportunity to knowledge-share and ask questions.

This month our training session was an overview of intellectual property rights.  All organisations have intellectual property (“IP”), whether they realise it or not, and it can be very valuable.  IP can also be a very complex and technical area.

Ensuring all our lawyers have a basic understanding of different aspects of IP ensures we can provide more commercial advice to clients: because their project may involve, for example, licensing of software but also because we can bring to clients’ attention potential risks or hidden benefits they may not have considered.”


External training sessions:

Furthermore, our Marketing Intern, Abbie Challinor, is also participating in several different training courses hosted by Liverpool John Moores University and other guest speakers. These sessions cover a variety of topics such as: social media marketing, website building, strategies, and meeting customers’ needs, which are arguably very important topics to cover as a marketing intern. These sessions are designed to equip Abbie with valuable insights and techniques in areas crucial to the field of marketing and ensure that Abbie makes the most out of the internship experience with us at In-House Legal Solutions.


Other team members at In-House Legal Solutions have attended sessions on giving effective feedback and time management, also hosted by LJMU, and these are topics that are essential to cover when working within a law firm. The team were shown techniques that can help to prioritise tasks, control their time, and give effective feedback within the workplace.


Finally, one of our Trainee Solicitors, Laura Keane, recently completed the Finance and Business Skills course with BPP University as part of the Professional Skills Courses that must be completed as part of her training contract at In-House Legal Solutions. Laura is very happy to have completed this course!


Learning at Work Week 2023 has been great and we will undoubtedly encourage more training sessions in the near future, as they have been a great success so far!





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