Volume Negotiation

We can negotiate high volumes of contracts that are standardised in nature for the right cost, completely under your control.

Regular Contracts. Regular Negotiations. Optimise your Legal process.

We have a highly skilled and trained pool of paralegals and junior lawyers who are experienced at negotiating repetitive commercial contracts, in an efficient and professional manner.

We focus on taking the burden off our clients in a cost effective way, allowing legal and business teams to focus on areas where they can really add value to the business.

We do this by taking away legal processes that don’t need to be carried out by your internal legal team and can be outsourced as a whole in order to free up your time, at a low cost.

Using our experience we add value to your process, streamlining and optimising it where possible to bring fast, efficient and successful negotiations.

We are experienced at processing high volumes of repetitive contracts and can effectively operate as an additional arm of your legal team.

We build a bespoke process to ensure the solution is streamlined, informed, but importantly under your control and oversight at all times.

We operate just as if we were you – seamlessly.

We create bespoke checklists of positions based on our industry leading bank of precedent, making sure we negotiate your agreements with all of your important points in mind.

Outsourcing to IHLS leaves you in total control.

We agree escalation points with you – so you are involved only when you need to be, and want to be.

We don’t hide in the shadows – we keep you fully informed in a meaningful, transparent way.

We can provide reporting based on the whatever metrics are important to you – for example responsiveness
to our SLA, time taken to agree your contracts or number of turns taken before agreement.

Types of agreement include…

  • Standard Terms & Conditions
  • NDAs
  • IT Licenses
  • Data Processing Agreements

Why In-House Legal Solutions?

We are experts at building processes around lower complexity and lower risk workstreams

Review and negotiation is carried out by our trained paralegals

Checklist based process gives client total control

Our focus and experience adds value to your process

Your In-House legal team on an external, outsourced basis.

Start your stress free legal journey here with In-House Legal Solutions.

Get in touch with our team today.

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